Survey of Business Owners (SBO)

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Before its replacement in 2018 by the Annual Business Survey, nearly every tax-filing sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation nationwide completed this questionnaire, with 2007 the only microdata year.

Please skim before you begin:

  1. 2007 Survey of Business Owners (SBO) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Data Users Guide

  2. Comparability to the Annual Business Survey (ABS), the Nonemployer Statistics by Demographics (NES-D) series, and the Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs (ASE) At a Glance

  3. A haiku regarding this microdata:

# butchers, chandlers, baked
# sea shanty, filial pie
# call your mom and pop

Function Definitions

This survey uses a dual design variance estimation technique described in the Data Users Guide. Most users do not need to study these functions carefully. Define functions specific to only this dataset:

sbo_MIcombine <-
    function( x , adjustment = 1.992065 ){
        # pull the structure of a variance-covariance matrix <- suppressWarnings( vcov( x$var[[1]] ) )
        # initiate a function that will overwrite the diagonals.
        diag.replacement <- 
            function( z ){
                diag( ) <- coef( z )
        # overwrite all the diagonals in the variance this_design object
        coef.variances <- lapply( x$var , diag.replacement )
        # add then divide by ten
        midpoint <- Reduce( '+' , coef.variances ) / 10
        # initiate another function that takes some object,
        # subtracts the midpoint, squares it, divides by ninety
        midpoint.var <- function( z ){ 1/10 * ( ( midpoint - z )^2 / 9 ) }
        # sum up all the differences into a single object
        variance <- Reduce( '+' , lapply( coef.variances , midpoint.var ) )
        # adjust every number with the factor in the user guide
        adj_var <- adjustment * variance

        # construct a result that looks like other sbo_MIcombine methods
        rval <-
                coefficients = coef( x$coef ) ,
                variance = adj_var
        # call it an MIresult class, like other sbo_MIcombine results
        class( rval ) <- 'MIresult'

sbo_with <-
    function ( this_design , expr , ... ){
        pf <- parent.frame()
        expr <- substitute( expr )
        expr$design <-".design")

        # this pulls in means, medians, totals, etc.
        # notice it uses this_design$coef
        results <- eval( expr , list( .design = this_design$coef ) )
        # this is used to calculate the variance, adjusted variance, standard error
        # notice it uses the this_design$var object
        variances <- 
                this_design$var$designs , 
                function( .design ){ 
                    eval( expr , list( .design = .design ) , enclos = pf ) 
        # combine both results..
        rval <- list( coef = results , var = variances )
        # ..into a brand new object class
        class( rval ) <- 'imputationResultList'

sbo_subset <-
    function( x , ... ){
        # subset the survey object
        coef.sub <- subset( x$coef , ... )
        # replicate `var.sub` so it's got all the same attributes as `x$var`
        var.sub <- x$var
        # but then overwrite the `designs` attribute with a subset
        var.sub$designs <- lapply( x$var$designs , subset , ... )
        # now re-create the `sbosvyimputationList` just as before..
        sub.svy <-
                coef = coef.sub ,
                var = var.sub
        # ..and give it the same class
        sub.svy$call <-


sbo_update <-
    function( x , ... ){
        # update the survey object that's going to be used for
        # means, medians, totals, etc.
        coef.upd <- update( x$coef , ... )
        # replicate `var.upd` so it's got all the same attributes as `x$var`
        var.upd <- x$var
        # but then overwrite the `designs` attribute with an update
        var.upd$designs <- lapply( x$var$designs , update , ... )
        # now re-create the `sbosvyimputationList` just as before
        upd.svy <-
                coef = coef.upd ,
                var = var.upd

sbo_degf <- function( x ) degf( x$coef )

Download, Import, Preparation

Download and import the file containing records for both coefficient estimates and variance estimation:


tf <- tempfile()

this_url <- ""

GET( this_url , write_disk( tf ) , progress() )

sbo_tbl <- read_csv( tf )

sbo_df <- data.frame( sbo_tbl )

names( sbo_df ) <- tolower( names( sbo_df ) )

sbo_df[ , 'one' ] <- 1

Calculate the weights used for variance estimation:

sbo_df[ , 'newwgt' ] <- 10 * sbo_df[ , 'tabwgt' ] * sqrt( 1 - 1 / sbo_df[ , 'tabwgt' ] )

Add business ownership percentages for both gender and ethnicity:

# replace percent missings with zeroes
for( i in 1:4 ) sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'pct' , i ) ] ) , paste0( 'pct' , i ) ] <- 0

# sum up ownership ethnicity and gender
sbo_df[ , 'hispanic_pct' ] <- sbo_df[ , 'nonhispanic_pct' ] <- 0
sbo_df[ , 'male_pct' ] <- sbo_df[ , 'female_pct' ] <- 0

# loop through the first four owners' ethnicity and sex variables
for( i in 1:4 ) {

    sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'eth' , i ) ] %in% 'H' , 'hispanic_pct' ] <-
        sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'eth' , i ) ] %in% 'H' , 'hispanic_pct' ] +
        sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'eth' , i ) ] %in% 'H' , paste0( 'pct' , i ) ]
    sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'eth' , i ) ] %in% 'N' , 'nonhispanic_pct' ] <-
        sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'eth' , i ) ] %in% 'N' , 'nonhispanic_pct' ] +
        sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'eth' , i ) ] %in% 'N' , paste0( 'pct' , i ) ]
    sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'sex' , i ) ] %in% 'M' , 'male_pct' ] <-
        sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'sex' , i ) ] %in% 'M' , 'male_pct' ] +
        sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'sex' , i ) ] %in% 'M' , paste0( 'pct' , i ) ]
    sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'sex' , i ) ] %in% 'F' , 'female_pct' ] <-
        sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'sex' , i ) ] %in% 'F' , 'female_pct' ] +
        sbo_df[ sbo_df[ , paste0( 'sex' , i ) ] %in% 'F' , paste0( 'pct' , i ) ]

Save Locally  

Save the object at any point:

# sbo_fn <- file.path( path.expand( "~" ) , "SBO" , "this_file.rds" )
# saveRDS( sbo_df , file = sbo_fn , compress = FALSE )

Load the same object:

# sbo_df <- readRDS( sbo_fn )

Survey Design Definition

Construct a multiply-imputed, complex sample survey design:


# break random groups into ten separate data.frame objects within a list
var_list <- NULL

for( i in 1:10 ) { var_list <- c( var_list , list( subset( sbo_df , rg == i ) ) ) }

sbo_coef <-
        id = ~ 1 ,
        weight = ~ tabwgt ,
        data = sbo_df

sbo_var <-
        id = ~ 1 ,
        weight = ~ newwgt ,
        data = imputationList( var_list )

sbo_design <- list( coef = sbo_coef , var = sbo_var )

class( sbo_design ) <- 'sbosvyimputationList'

Variable Recoding

Add new columns to the data set:

sbo_design <- 
        sbo_design , 
        established_before_2000 =
            ifelse( established %in% c( '0' , 'A' ) , NA , as.numeric( established < 4 ) ) ,
        healthins =
            factor( healthins , levels = 1:2 ,
                labels = c( "offered health insurance" , "did not offer health insurance" )
            ) ,
        hispanic_ownership =
                ifelse( hispanic_pct == nonhispanic_pct , 2 ,
                ifelse( hispanic_pct > nonhispanic_pct , 1 , 
                ifelse( nonhispanic_pct > hispanic_pct , 3 , NA ) ) ) ,
                levels = 1:3 ,
                labels = c( 'hispanic' , 'equally hisp/non' , 'non-hispanic' )
            ) ,
        gender_ownership =
                ifelse( male_pct == female_pct , 2 ,
                ifelse( male_pct > female_pct , 1 , 
                ifelse( female_pct > male_pct , 3 , NA ) ) ) ,
                levels = 1:3 ,
                labels = c( 'male' , 'equally male/female' , 'female' )

Analysis Examples with the survey library  

Unweighted Counts

Count the unweighted number of records in the survey sample, overall and by groups:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , svyby( ~ one , ~ one , unwtd.count ) ) )

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , svyby( ~ one , ~ gender_ownership , unwtd.count ) ) )

Weighted Counts

Count the weighted size of the generalizable population, overall and by groups:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , svytotal( ~ one ) ) )

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
    svyby( ~ one , ~ gender_ownership , svytotal )
) )

Descriptive Statistics

Calculate the mean (average) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , svymean( ~ receipts_noisy ) ) )

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
    svyby( ~ receipts_noisy , ~ gender_ownership , svymean )
) )

Calculate the distribution of a categorical variable, overall and by groups:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , svymean( ~ n07_employer , na.rm = TRUE ) ) )

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
    svyby( ~ n07_employer , ~ gender_ownership , svymean , na.rm = TRUE )
) )

Calculate the sum of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , svytotal( ~ receipts_noisy ) ) )

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
    svyby( ~ receipts_noisy , ~ gender_ownership , svytotal )
) )

Calculate the weighted sum of a categorical variable, overall and by groups:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , svytotal( ~ n07_employer , na.rm = TRUE ) ) )

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
    svyby( ~ n07_employer , ~ gender_ownership , svytotal , na.rm = TRUE )
) )

Calculate the median (50th percentile) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
        ~ receipts_noisy ,
        0.5 , se = TRUE 
) ) )

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
        ~ receipts_noisy , ~ gender_ownership , svyquantile ,
        0.5 , se = TRUE ,
        ci = TRUE 
) ) )

Estimate a ratio:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
    svyratio( numerator = ~ receipts_noisy , denominator = ~ employment_noisy )
) )


Restrict the survey design to jointly owned by husband and wife:

sub_sbo_design <- sbo_subset( sbo_design , husbwife %in% 1:3 )

Calculate the mean (average) of this subset:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sub_sbo_design , svymean( ~ receipts_noisy ) ) )

Measures of Uncertainty

Extract the coefficient, standard error, confidence interval, and coefficient of variation from any descriptive statistics function result, overall and by groups:

this_result <-
    sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
        svymean( ~ receipts_noisy )
    ) )

coef( this_result )
SE( this_result )
confint( this_result )
cv( this_result )

grouped_result <-
    sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
        svyby( ~ receipts_noisy , ~ gender_ownership , svymean )
    ) )

coef( grouped_result )
SE( grouped_result )
confint( grouped_result )
cv( grouped_result )

Calculate the degrees of freedom of any survey design object:

sbo_degf( sbo_design )

Calculate the complex sample survey-adjusted variance of any statistic:

sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , svyvar( ~ receipts_noisy ) ) )

Include the complex sample design effect in the result for a specific statistic:

# SRS without replacement
sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
    svymean( ~ receipts_noisy , deff = TRUE )
) )

# SRS with replacement
sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
    svymean( ~ receipts_noisy , deff = "replace" )
) )

Compute confidence intervals for proportions using methods that may be more accurate near 0 and 1. See ?svyciprop for alternatives:

# # sbo_MIsvyciprop( ~ established_before_2000 , sbo_design ,
#   method = "likelihood" , na.rm = TRUE )

Regression Models and Tests of Association

Perform a design-based t-test:

# # sbo_MIsvyttest( receipts_noisy ~ established_before_2000 , sbo_design )

Perform a chi-squared test of association for survey data:

# # sbo_MIsvychisq( ~ established_before_2000 + n07_employer , sbo_design )

Perform a survey-weighted generalized linear model:

glm_result <- 
    sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design ,
        svyglm( receipts_noisy ~ established_before_2000 + n07_employer )
    ) )

Replication Example

This example matches the statistics and relative standard errors from three Appendix B columns:

hispanic_receipts_result <-
    sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , 
        svyby( ~ receipts_noisy , ~ hispanic_ownership , svytotal )
    ) )

hispanic_payroll_result <-
    sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , 
        svyby( ~ payroll_noisy , ~ hispanic_ownership , svytotal )
    ) )

hispanic_employment_result <-
    sbo_MIcombine( sbo_with( sbo_design , 
        svyby( ~ employment_noisy , ~ hispanic_ownership , svytotal )
    ) )

Estimates at the U.S. Level using the PUMS Tables for:

stopifnot( round( coef( hispanic_receipts_result )[ 'hispanic' ] , 0 ) == 350763923 )
stopifnot( round( coef( hispanic_receipts_result )[ 'equally hisp/non' ] , 0 ) == 56166354 )
stopifnot( round( coef( hispanic_receipts_result )[ 'non-hispanic' ] , 0 ) == 10540609303 )

stopifnot( round( coef( hispanic_payroll_result )[ 'hispanic' ] , 0 ) == 54367702 )
stopifnot( round( coef( hispanic_payroll_result )[ 'equally hisp/non' ] , 0 ) == 11083148 )
stopifnot( round( coef( hispanic_payroll_result )[ 'non-hispanic' ] , 0 ) == 1875353228 )

stopifnot( round( coef( hispanic_employment_result )[ 'hispanic' ] , 0 ) == 2026406 )
stopifnot( round( coef( hispanic_employment_result )[ 'equally hisp/non' ] , 0 ) == 400152 )
stopifnot( round( coef( hispanic_employment_result )[ 'non-hispanic' ] , 0 ) == 56889606 )

Relative Standard Errors of Estimates at the U.S. Level using the PUMS Tables for:

stopifnot( round( cv( hispanic_receipts_result )[ 'hispanic' ] , 2 ) == 0.02 )
stopifnot( round( cv( hispanic_receipts_result )[ 'equally hisp/non' ] , 2 ) == 0.06 )
stopifnot( round( cv( hispanic_receipts_result )[ 'non-hispanic' ] , 2 ) == 0 )

stopifnot( round( cv( hispanic_payroll_result )[ 'hispanic' ] , 2 ) == 0.01 )
stopifnot( round( cv( hispanic_payroll_result )[ 'equally hisp/non' ] , 2 ) == 0.06 )
stopifnot( round( cv( hispanic_payroll_result )[ 'non-hispanic' ] , 2 ) == 0 )

stopifnot( round( cv( hispanic_employment_result )[ 'hispanic' ] , 2 ) == 0.01 )
stopifnot( round( cv( hispanic_employment_result )[ 'equally hisp/non' ] , 2 ) == 0.05 )
stopifnot( round( cv( hispanic_employment_result )[ 'non-hispanic' ] , 2 ) == 0 )