National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)

License: GPL v3 Github Actions Badge

The authoritative source on travel behavior, recording characteristics of people and vehicles of all modes.

  • Four core linkable tables, with one record per household, person, trip, and vehicle, respectively.

  • A complex sample survey designed to generalize to the civilian non-institutional U.S. population.

  • Released every five to eight years since 1969, with a 2022 release expected in late 2023.

  • Funded by the Federal Highway Administration, with data collected by Westat.

Please skim before you begin:

  1. 2017 NHTS Data User Guide

  2. 2017 NHTS Weighting Report

  3. A haiku regarding this microdata:

# commuter patterns,
# truckin'. what a long strange trip
# who went when where why

Download, Import, Preparation

Download and unzip each of the main 2017 files:


nhts_dl_uz <-
    function( this_url ){
        tf <- tempfile()

        download.file( this_url , tf , mode = 'wb' )

        unzip( tf , exdir = tempdir() )
unzipped_survey_data <-
    nhts_dl_uz( "" )

unzipped_replicate_weights <-
    nhts_dl_uz( "" )

unzipped_trip_chains <-
    nhts_dl_uz( "" )

Import the tables containing one record per household, person, trip, and vehicle:

nhts_import <-
    function( this_prefix , this_unzip ){
        this_sas7bdat <-
                paste0( this_prefix , "\\.sas7bdat$" ) , 
                this_unzip , 
                value = TRUE 
        this_tbl <- read_sas( this_sas7bdat )
        this_df <- data.frame( this_tbl )
        names( this_df ) <- tolower( names( this_df ) )
hhpub_df <- nhts_import( "hhpub" , unzipped_survey_data )
perpub_df <- nhts_import( "perpub" , unzipped_survey_data )
trippub_df <- nhts_import( "trippub" , unzipped_survey_data )
vehpub_df <- nhts_import( "vehpub" , unzipped_survey_data )

hhwgt_df <- nhts_import( "hhwgt" , unzipped_replicate_weights )
perwgt_df <- nhts_import( "perwgt" , unzipped_replicate_weights )

Add a column of ones to three of those tables, then a column of non-missing mileage to the trips table:

hhpub_df[ , 'one' ] <- 1

perpub_df[ , 'one' ] <- 1

trippub_df[ , 'one' ] <- 1

trippub_df[ !( trippub_df[ , 'trpmiles' ] %in% -9 ) , 'tripmiles_no_nines' ] <-
    trippub_df[ !( trippub_df[ , 'trpmiles' ] %in% -9 ) , 'trpmiles' ]

Sum the total trip count and mileage to the person-level, both overall and restricted to walking only:

trips_per_person <- 
        trippub_df , 
            cbind( one , tripmiles_no_nines ) , 
            list( houseid , personid ) , 
            sum , 
            na.rm = TRUE 

names( trips_per_person ) <-
    c( 'houseid' , 'personid' , 'trips_per_person' , 'miles_per_person' )

walks_per_person <- 
        subset( trippub_df , trptrans == '01' ) , 
            cbind( one , tripmiles_no_nines ) , 
            list( houseid , personid ) , 
            sum , 
            na.rm = TRUE 

names( walks_per_person ) <-
    c( 'houseid' , 'personid' , 'walks_per_person' , 'walk_miles_per_person' )

Merge these trip count and mileage values on to the person-level file, replacing non-matches with zero:

nhts_df <- merge( perpub_df , trips_per_person , all.x = TRUE )
nhts_df[ nhts_df[ , 'trips_per_person' ] ) , 'trips_per_person' ] <- 0
nhts_df[ nhts_df[ , 'miles_per_person' ] ) , 'miles_per_person' ] <- 0

nhts_df <- merge( nhts_df , walks_per_person , all.x = TRUE )
nhts_df[ nhts_df[ , 'walks_per_person' ] ) , 'walks_per_person' ] <- 0
nhts_df[ nhts_df[ , 'walk_miles_per_person' ] ) , 'walk_miles_per_person' ] <- 0

stopifnot( nrow( nhts_df ) == nrow( perpub_df ) )

Save Locally  

Save the object at any point:

# nhts_fn <- file.path( path.expand( "~" ) , "NHTS" , "this_file.rds" )
# saveRDS( nhts_df , file = nhts_fn , compress = FALSE )

Load the same object:

# nhts_df <- readRDS( nhts_fn )

Survey Design Definition

Construct a complex sample survey design:

Sort both the one record per household and household replicate weights tables, then define the design:


hhpub_df <- hhpub_df[ order( hhpub_df[ , 'houseid' ] ) , ]
hhwgt_df <- hhwgt_df[ order( hhwgt_df[ , 'houseid' ] ) , ]

hh_design <-
        weight = ~ wthhfin ,
        repweights =
            hhwgt_df[ grep( 'wthhfin[0-9]' , names( hhwgt_df ) , value = TRUE ) ] ,
        scale = 6 / 7 ,
        rscales = 1 ,
        type = 'JK1' ,
        mse = TRUE ,
        data = hhpub_df

Sort both the one record per person and person replicate weights tables, then define the design:

nhts_df <- nhts_df[ order , nhts_df[ , c( 'houseid' , 'personid' ) ] ) , ]
perwgt_df <- perwgt_df[ order , perwgt_df[ , c( 'houseid' , 'personid' ) ] ) , ]

nhts_design <-
        weight = ~ wtperfin ,
        repweights =
            perwgt_df[ grep( 'wtperfin[0-9]' , names( perwgt_df ) , value = TRUE ) ] ,
        scale = 6 / 7 ,
        rscales = rep( 1 , 98 ) ,
        type = 'JK1' ,
        mse = TRUE ,
        data = nhts_df

Sort both the one record per trip and person replicate weights tables, then define the design:

trippub_df <- trippub_df[ order , trippub_df[ , c( 'houseid' , 'personid' ) ] ) , ]
perwgt_df <- perwgt_df[ order , perwgt_df[ , c( 'houseid' , 'personid' ) ] ) , ]

trip_design <-
        weight = ~ wttrdfin ,
        repweights =
            perwgt_df[ grep( 'wttrdfin[0-9]' , names( perwgt_df ) , value = TRUE ) ] ,
        scale = 6 / 7 ,
        rscales = 1 ,
        type = 'JK1' ,
        mse = TRUE ,
        data = trippub_df

Variable Recoding

Add new columns to the data set:

hh_design <-
        hh_design ,
        hhsize_categories =
                findInterval( hhsize , 1:4 ) ,
                levels = 1:4 ,
                labels = c( 1:3 , '4 or more' )

nhts_design <- 
        nhts_design , 
        urban_area = as.numeric( urbrur == '01' )

Analysis Examples with the survey library  

Unweighted Counts

Count the unweighted number of records in the survey sample, overall and by groups:

sum( weights( nhts_design , "sampling" ) != 0 )

svyby( ~ one , ~ r_sex_imp , nhts_design , unwtd.count )

Weighted Counts

Count the weighted size of the generalizable population, overall and by groups:

svytotal( ~ one , nhts_design )

svyby( ~ one , ~ r_sex_imp , nhts_design , svytotal )

Descriptive Statistics

Calculate the mean (average) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

svymean( ~ miles_per_person , nhts_design )

svyby( ~ miles_per_person , ~ r_sex_imp , nhts_design , svymean )

Calculate the distribution of a categorical variable, overall and by groups:

svymean( ~ hhstate , nhts_design )

svyby( ~ hhstate , ~ r_sex_imp , nhts_design , svymean )

Calculate the sum of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

svytotal( ~ miles_per_person , nhts_design )

svyby( ~ miles_per_person , ~ r_sex_imp , nhts_design , svytotal )

Calculate the weighted sum of a categorical variable, overall and by groups:

svytotal( ~ hhstate , nhts_design )

svyby( ~ hhstate , ~ r_sex_imp , nhts_design , svytotal )

Calculate the median (50th percentile) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

svyquantile( ~ miles_per_person , nhts_design , 0.5 )

    ~ miles_per_person , 
    ~ r_sex_imp , 
    nhts_design , 
    svyquantile , 
    0.5 ,
    ci = TRUE 

Estimate a ratio:

    numerator = ~ walk_miles_per_person , 
    denominator = ~ miles_per_person , 


Restrict the survey design to ever cyclists:

sub_nhts_design <- subset( nhts_design , nbiketrp > 0 )

Calculate the mean (average) of this subset:

svymean( ~ miles_per_person , sub_nhts_design )

Measures of Uncertainty

Extract the coefficient, standard error, confidence interval, and coefficient of variation from any descriptive statistics function result, overall and by groups:

this_result <- svymean( ~ miles_per_person , nhts_design )

coef( this_result )
SE( this_result )
confint( this_result )
cv( this_result )

grouped_result <-
        ~ miles_per_person , 
        ~ r_sex_imp , 
        nhts_design , 
coef( grouped_result )
SE( grouped_result )
confint( grouped_result )
cv( grouped_result )

Calculate the degrees of freedom of any survey design object:

degf( nhts_design )

Calculate the complex sample survey-adjusted variance of any statistic:

svyvar( ~ miles_per_person , nhts_design )

Include the complex sample design effect in the result for a specific statistic:

# SRS without replacement
svymean( ~ miles_per_person , nhts_design , deff = TRUE )

# SRS with replacement
svymean( ~ miles_per_person , nhts_design , deff = "replace" )

Compute confidence intervals for proportions using methods that may be more accurate near 0 and 1. See ?svyciprop for alternatives:

svyciprop( ~ urban_area , nhts_design ,
    method = "likelihood" )

Regression Models and Tests of Association

Perform a design-based t-test:

svyttest( miles_per_person ~ urban_area , nhts_design )

Perform a chi-squared test of association for survey data:

    ~ urban_area + hhstate , 

Perform a survey-weighted generalized linear model:

glm_result <- 
        miles_per_person ~ urban_area + hhstate , 

summary( glm_result )

Replication Example

This example matches the 2017 rows from Summary of Travel Trends Table 1a:

hhsize_counts <- svytotal( ~ hhsize_categories , hh_design )

    all( round( coef( hhsize_counts ) / 1000 , 0 ) == c( 32952 , 40056 , 18521 , 26679 ) )

hhsize_ci <- confint( hhsize_counts , df = ncol( hh_design$repweights ) )

hhsize_moe <- hhsize_ci[ , 2 ] - coef( hhsize_counts )

stopifnot( all( round( hhsize_moe / 1000 , 0 ) == c( 0 , 0 , 97 , 97 ) ) )  

This example matches 2017 NHTS Westat project co-author’s workshop slide 38:

unwtd_n <- with( nhts_df , tapply( trips_per_person , worker , sum ) )
stopifnot( all( unwtd_n == c( 79295 , 28 , 497944 , 346305 ) ) )

surveyed_n <- with( nhts_df , tapply( trips_per_person , worker , mean ) )
stopifnot( all( round( surveyed_n , 2 ) == c( 2.84 , 1.65 , 3.88 , 3.21 ) ) )

this_mean <- svyby( ~ trips_per_person , ~ worker , nhts_design , svymean )
stopifnot( round( coef( this_mean ) , 2 ) == c( 2.78 , 1.28 , 3.77 , 3.01 ) )

this_ci <- confint( this_mean , df = ncol( nhts_design$repweights ) )

this_moe <- this_ci[ , 2 ] - coef( this_mean )

stopifnot( all( round( this_moe , 2 ) == c( 0.06 , 2.21 , 0.03 , 0.06 ) ) )

Analysis Examples with srvyr  

The R srvyr library calculates summary statistics from survey data, such as the mean, total or quantile using dplyr-like syntax. srvyr allows for the use of many verbs, such as summarize, group_by, and mutate, the convenience of pipe-able functions, the tidyverse style of non-standard evaluation and more consistent return types than the survey package. This vignette details the available features. As a starting point for NHTS users, this code replicates previously-presented examples:

nhts_srvyr_design <- as_survey( nhts_design )

Calculate the mean (average) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

nhts_srvyr_design %>%
    summarize( mean = survey_mean( miles_per_person ) )

nhts_srvyr_design %>%
    group_by( r_sex_imp ) %>%
    summarize( mean = survey_mean( miles_per_person ) )