Social Security Public-Use Data Files (SSA)

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Microdata from administrative sources like the Master Beneficiary Record, Supplemental Security Record.

Download, Import, Preparation

Download and import the 1951-2006 one percent files with one record per person and per person-year:


tf <- tempfile()

ssa_url <- ""

GET( ssa_url , write_disk( tf ) , progress() )

ssa_files <- unzip( tf , exdir = tempdir() )

ssa_fn <- grep( 'demographic' , ssa_files , value = TRUE )

annual_fn <- grep( 'annual' , ssa_files , value = TRUE )

ssa_tbl <- read_sas( ssa_fn )

annual_tbl <- read_sas( annual_fn )

ssa_df <- data.frame( ssa_tbl )

annual_df <- data.frame( annual_tbl )

names( ssa_df ) <- tolower( names( ssa_df ) )

names( annual_df ) <- tolower( names( annual_df ) )

Sum up 1951-1952 and 1953-2006 earnings, and also 1953-2006 credits, copying the naming convention:

summed_earnings_5152 <-
        subset( annual_df , year_earn %in% 1951:1952 ) , 
        aggregate( annual_earnings , list( id ) , sum )
names( summed_earnings_5152 ) <- c( 'id' , 'tot_cov_earn5152' )

summed_earnings_5306 <-
        subset( annual_df , year_earn > 1952 ) , 
        aggregate( annual_earnings , list( id ) , sum )
names( summed_earnings_5306 ) <- c( 'id' , 'tot_cov_earn5306' )

summed_quarters_5306 <-
        subset( annual_df , year_earn > 1952 ) , 
        aggregate( annual_qtrs , list( id ) , sum )

names( summed_quarters_5306 ) <- c( 'id' , 'qc5306' )

Isolate a single year of earnings:

earnings_2006 <- annual_df[ annual_df[ , 'year_earn' ] == 2006 , c( 'id' , 'annual_earnings' ) ]

names( earnings_2006 ) <- c( 'id' , 'tot_cov_earn06' )

Merge each new column on to the person-level table, then add zeroes to person-years without earnings:

stopifnot( all( ! ssa_df ) ) )

before_nrow <- nrow( ssa_df )

ssa_df <- merge( ssa_df , summed_earnings_5152 , all.x = TRUE )

ssa_df <- merge( ssa_df , summed_earnings_5306 , all.x = TRUE )

ssa_df <- merge( ssa_df , summed_quarters_5306 , all.x = TRUE )

ssa_df <- merge( ssa_df , earnings_2006 , all.x = TRUE )

ssa_df[ ssa_df ) ] <- 0

stopifnot( nrow( ssa_df ) == before_nrow )

Save Locally  

Save the object at any point:

# ssa_fn <- file.path( path.expand( "~" ) , "SSA" , "this_file.rds" )
# saveRDS( ssa_df , file = ssa_fn , compress = FALSE )

Load the same object:

# ssa_df <- readRDS( ssa_fn )

Variable Recoding

Add new columns to the data set:

ssa_df <- 
        ssa_df ,

        decade_of_birth = floor( yob / 10 ) * 10 ,
        sex = factor( sex , levels = 1:2 , labels = c( 'male' , 'female' ) ) ,
        tot_cov_earn3706 = ( tot_cov_earn3750 + tot_cov_earn5152 + tot_cov_earn5306 ) ,
        qc3706 = ( qc3750 + qc5152 + qc5306 ) ,
        any_earnings_2006 = ( tot_cov_earn06 > 0 ) ,
        earnings_periods =
                ifelse( ( tot_cov_earn5152 + tot_cov_earn5306 > 0 ) & tot_cov_earn3750 > 0 , 1 ,
                ifelse( tot_cov_earn5152 > 0 | tot_cov_earn5306 > 0 , 2 ,
                ifelse( tot_cov_earn3750 > 0 , 3 , 4 ) ) ) ,
                levels = 1:4 ,
                labels =
                    c( 'Earnings in both periods' , 'Earnings during 1951-2006 only' ,
                        'Earnings during 1937-1950 only' , 'No earnings' ) )

Analysis Examples with base R  

Unweighted Counts

Count the unweighted number of records in the table, overall and by groups:

nrow( ssa_df )

table( ssa_df[ , "sex" ] , useNA = "always" )

Descriptive Statistics

Calculate the mean (average) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

mean( ssa_df[ , "tot_cov_earn3706" ] )

    ssa_df[ , "tot_cov_earn3706" ] ,
    ssa_df[ , "sex" ] ,

Calculate the distribution of a categorical variable, overall and by groups:

prop.table( table( ssa_df[ , "decade_of_birth" ] ) )

    table( ssa_df[ , c( "decade_of_birth" , "sex" ) ] ) ,
    margin = 2

Calculate the sum of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

sum( ssa_df[ , "tot_cov_earn3706" ] )

    ssa_df[ , "tot_cov_earn3706" ] ,
    ssa_df[ , "sex" ] ,

Calculate the median (50th percentile) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

quantile( ssa_df[ , "tot_cov_earn3706" ] , 0.5 )

    ssa_df[ , "tot_cov_earn3706" ] ,
    ssa_df[ , "sex" ] ,
    quantile ,


Limit your data.frame to individuals with at least forty lifetime credits:

sub_ssa_df <- subset( ssa_df , qc3706 >= 40 )

Calculate the mean (average) of this subset:

mean( sub_ssa_df[ , "tot_cov_earn3706" ] )

Measures of Uncertainty

Calculate the variance, overall and by groups:

var( ssa_df[ , "tot_cov_earn3706" ] )

    ssa_df[ , "tot_cov_earn3706" ] ,
    ssa_df[ , "sex" ] ,

Regression Models and Tests of Association

Perform a t-test:

t.test( tot_cov_earn3706 ~ any_earnings_2006 , ssa_df )

Perform a chi-squared test of association:

this_table <- table( ssa_df[ , c( "any_earnings_2006" , "decade_of_birth" ) ] )

chisq.test( this_table )

Perform a generalized linear model:

glm_result <- 
        tot_cov_earn3706 ~ any_earnings_2006 + decade_of_birth , 
        data = ssa_df

summary( glm_result )

Replication Example

This example matches statistics in The 2006 Earnings Public-Use Microdata File: An Introduction:

Chart 5. Percentage distribution of individuals in EPUF, by capped Social Security taxable earnings status:

chart_five_results <- prop.table( table( ssa_df[ , 'earnings_periods' ] ) )
chart_five_results <- round( 100 * chart_five_results )

stopifnot( chart_five_results[ 'Earnings in both periods' ] == 16 )
stopifnot( chart_five_results[ 'Earnings during 1951-2006 only' ] == 55 )
stopifnot( chart_five_results[ 'Earnings during 1937-1950 only' ] == 4 )
stopifnot( chart_five_results[ 'No earnings' ] == 25 )

Table 4. Average and median Social Security taxable earnings in EPUF, by sex, 1951–2006 (in dollars):

nonzero_2006_earners <- ssa_df[ ssa_df[ , 'tot_cov_earn06' ] > 0 , 'tot_cov_earn06' ]
stopifnot( round( mean( nonzero_2006_earners ) , 0 ) == 30953 )
stopifnot( round( quantile( nonzero_2006_earners )[ 3 ] , 0 ) == 24000 )

Table A1. Number and percentage distribution of individuals with Social Security taxable earnings records in EPUF, by sex, 1951–2006:

nonzero_2006_earners <- ssa_df[ ssa_df[ , 'tot_cov_earn06' ] > 0 , ]
stopifnot( round( mean( nonzero_2006_earners[ , 'tot_cov_earn06' ] ) , 0 ) == 30953 )
stopifnot( round( quantile( nonzero_2006_earners[ , 'tot_cov_earn06' ] )[ 3 ] , 0 ) == 24000 )

This example matches statistics in Comparing Earnings Estimates from the 2006 Earnings Public-Use File and the Annual Statistical Supplement:

Table 4. Comparing Supplement and EPUF estimates: Number of all, male, and female workers with any earnings during the year, 1951–2006:

stopifnot( round( nrow( nonzero_2006_earners ) * 100 , -3 ) == 156280000 )
earners_in_2006_by_sex <- table( nonzero_2006_earners[ , 'sex' ] ) * 100
stopifnot( round( earners_in_2006_by_sex[ 'male' ] , -3 ) == 81576000 )
stopifnot( round( earners_in_2006_by_sex[ 'female' ] , -3 ) == 74681000 )

Analysis Examples with dplyr  

The R dplyr library offers an alternative grammar of data manipulation to base R and SQL syntax. dplyr offers many verbs, such as summarize, group_by, and mutate, the convenience of pipe-able functions, and the tidyverse style of non-standard evaluation. This vignette details the available features. As a starting point for SSA users, this code replicates previously-presented examples:

ssa_tbl <- as_tibble( ssa_df )

Calculate the mean (average) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

ssa_tbl %>%
    summarize( mean = mean( tot_cov_earn3706 ) )

ssa_tbl %>%
    group_by( sex ) %>%
    summarize( mean = mean( tot_cov_earn3706 ) )

Analysis Examples with data.table  

The R data.table library provides a high-performance version of base R’s data.frame with syntax and feature enhancements for ease of use, convenience and programming speed. data.table offers concise syntax: fast to type, fast to read, fast speed, memory efficiency, a careful API lifecycle management, an active community, and a rich set of features. This vignette details the available features. As a starting point for SSA users, this code replicates previously-presented examples:

ssa_dt <- data.table( ssa_df )

Calculate the mean (average) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

ssa_dt[ , mean( tot_cov_earn3706 ) ]

ssa_dt[ , mean( tot_cov_earn3706 ) , by = sex ]

Analysis Examples with duckdb  

The R duckdb library provides an embedded analytical data management system with support for the Structured Query Language (SQL). duckdb offers a simple, feature-rich, fast, and free SQL OLAP management system. This vignette details the available features. As a starting point for SSA users, this code replicates previously-presented examples:

con <- dbConnect( duckdb::duckdb() , dbdir = 'my-db.duckdb' )
dbWriteTable( con , 'ssa' , ssa_df )

Calculate the mean (average) of a linear variable, overall and by groups:

dbGetQuery( con , 'SELECT AVG( tot_cov_earn3706 ) FROM ssa' )

    con ,
        sex ,
        AVG( tot_cov_earn3706 )